After Hours Sample Drop-off
Drop Chute and Drop Box Locations
Small Sample Drop Chute
- No keys required
- Small coolers
- Small bags
- Envelopes
Ideal for:
- Small coolers
- Small bags
- Envelopes
Large Sample Drop Boxes
(available upon request)
- Secure locked box (keys required)
- Supplies for pickup (sample bottles, air cassettes, etc.)
- Rental equipment pickup & return
Ideal for:
- Large samples
- Larger coolers
- Fragile samples
- Equipment
Suggested Coolers for Drop Chute
Coleman 1/2 gal Beverage Jug
1.9 L (2 qt) capacity
Coleman FlipLid™ 6 Personal Cooler
27cm L x 18.5cm W x 17.5cm H, 4.7 L (5 qt) capacity
Note: Please ensure samples and coolers are sealed to prevent damage or contamination when using drop boxes or drop chute. Also ensure all samples are accompanied by a completed chain of custody form, and any additional required documentation (ie. MSDS). The customer is responsible for the sample until samples are received during the following regular operating hours of Bio-Chem Consulting Services (1980) Ltd. Any damage to samples or rental equipment placed in the drop chute are the responsibility of the customer.